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To The Overachiever Afraid to Rest…

I'm Allee!

 I am a Christian business owner, and I'm on a mission to embrace productivity and peace in everyday life and help other women do the same. Welcome to the family. Let's build a life that gives you life!

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They lied to you.

The bravest thing isn’t always pushing, climbing to the top, and conquering. Sometimes it’s simply deciding that stillness is enough. It is digging your heels in, facing what’s in front of you and deciding that today is enough because God is by your side.

Your identity is not found in what you produce. Your perceived strength is not what makes you strong. Your softness, patience, and grace in this hard world speak the loudest. Even if they feel like a whisper in the roar for attention around you… Their statement rises above the noise.

You have nothing to prove.

As you navigate the intricate tapestry we call life, may you find peace in the truth that your worth goes beyond the boundaries of mere accomplishments.

In a world that often measures success by the volume of tasks completed and achievements amassed, it’s easy to lose sight of the profound significance found in simply being.

As a woman, you carry within you the divine spark of creation, fashioned by the hands of a loving Creator who delights in every facet of your being. Your worth is not contingent upon the endless pursuit of perfection or the relentless chase after success. It’s bigger than that. It flows from the depths of your soul, reflecting the image of the One who formed you with purpose and intention.

In the quiet moments of today, may you hear the gentle whisper of God’s voice, reminding you that you are His masterpiece, intricately designed and deeply cherished. Your value is not diminished by moments of rest or seasons of stillness; rather, it is magnified as you surrender to the beauty of simply being.

Let go.

Let go of the pressures to constantly strive and achieve, and instead, embrace the rhythm of grace that flows freely from the heart of your Heavenly Father. As Ephesians 2:10 reminds us, ‘For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’

Your purpose is not defined by what you do, but by who you are in Him. Take a moment to pause, to breathe, and to embrace the exquisite wonder of your existence. Your worth is not found in the endless pursuit of worldly success, but in the quiet confidence of knowing that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. May you find peace in the assurance of God’s unfailing love, and may your heart overflow with joy as you rest in the beauty of simply being.

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Hi, I'm Allee!

 I am a Christian business owner living in a dreamy coastal town in North Carolina with my husband! I'm a proud plant mom and bookworm. I love my people big.  I'm on a mission to embrace productivity and peace in my business and everyday life, and I'm here to help other women do the same. Welcome to the family. Let's build a life that gives you life!

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